Yesterday was the big 20 week ultra sound! After five or so minutes of measuring and clicking the tech had Jeff come in the room so we could get a good look at the little bean. It's a girl! I didn't believe the tech at first and made her look between the legs at least 3 times to confirm. The lady seemed to know what she was doing though and I'm sure was horribly annoyed by my questioning. She said she's "perfect" and growing great. She's right on schedule for mid-September and already has long legs. The pictures of her spine were sent up to the doctor for analysis, so hopefully we'll get those results on Friday at my routine checkup. Still no word on the AFP screening - it's been 4 weeks and I have no idea if they're just slow or if that's good or bad news.
The past week and a half has been interesting. She sits pretty low most of the time, sometimes making it hard to stand after sitting or sleeping. Sometimes it's hard to stand up after peeing, my sides cramp up so tight that I can't stand straight. I'm also feeling lots of kicks really low on my cervix. It's such a bizarre feeling and startles me, especially if I'm at work.
It's been harder to be good about eating. I must have ate a pound of potato salad and 20 cookies over this past weekend! I crave a lot more soda that I used to which isn't so good for me. But no new cravings to report.
I finally took out my belly button ring - it's still weird seeing myself without it. But for some reason (to me) it makes me feel and look more pregnant. I'm still carrying in the front and really low (hence why everyone thought it was a boy) which is fine with me. When it starts spreading that means I've gained too much weight!
Lots of maternity clothes and baby shopping coming up this weekend. My parents are coming for Mother's Day and are just thrilled with the news of it being a girl.
Work is insanely busy, which is why it's been so long since my last post. Next week we leave for vacation in Seattle, so it'll be interesting experiencing traveling while pregnant!
That's it for now!
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