My belly is starting to lead the way...it's nearly impossible to get up and off the floor without assistance from nearby furniture or other people. It's not easy to get out of bed or off the couch, but it's much easier than the floor. I look in the mirror daily and can't believe how huge my stomach is. Ugh. Although it's odd because quite often people tell me I don't look 6 months pregnant. For me I feel like I'm huge, but I guess not to other people. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday so we'll see how much weight I've gained. Ummph.
My hunger level is the same. I've been walking laps around the building at work on my lunch break 2 - 3 days a week. I've been drinking Smart Water so I can stay hydrated. And I've been eating much healthier. Hopefully the doc notices how hard I'm working because I could really go for a Dairy Queen Blizzard with Reese's Peanut Butter cups right now!
My stress level has been high. Work is just insanity...I'm now doing the equivalent to two jobs (when I was hired the upper level stuff was supposed to stay with my boss, but now he's covering for another department while their manager is on a project), so I'm swamped with work, responsibility and expectations. There's good days, but there's really bad days too. With us being thinned on employees they're pretty worried about what to do when I'm out on maternity leave. I'm not taking as much time as I could because I know they need me and I have this expectation to live up to. I think for the first time on Friday I actually felt really appreciated like I was making a difference, so that makes me feel better.
Jeff felt the baby kick for the first time this past week. Since she always sits breech, he hardly ever gets the opportunity, but every once in a while she turns a bit so you can feel her. It's hard to gauge how active she is because of where she's sitting. It worries me some days because I don't know when I'm suppose to start feeling her every ten minutes or whatever it is that they say.
Someone asked me while I was on vacation what my "birth plan" was and they were highly offended when I told them "to go to the hospital." I mean, do I really need a birth plan? All I want is drugs. I don't have any special blankets or pillows or food I have to have with me and knowing Kaiser they'd screw it up anyways. I dunno, maybe I'm weird, maybe I'm not prepared, I have no idea. I just want a healthy baby and I want to be healthy too.
Registering was interesting. It was fun, but it was insanely overwhelming. I have no idea if I over-registered for some things and under-registered for others. I knew we had to have a lot of stuff, but to see it all on paper like that freaks me out. 95% of it is stuff we NEED (not just want because it's cute) and we don't expect everyone to buy it all for us, so I'm trying to budget and figure out how much it will cost us to pick up everything on the registry we don't get. How overwhelming! Did get our bedding set though! Which is great because now we can pick out a crib, glider and pick out paint colors. The room will either be a pale pink or a pale mint green (colors in the bedding). I just haven't decided yet. I picked up some paint chips today and I need to take them with the bedding up into the room and look at them in the natural light.
Well that's it for now. Hopefully my checkup goes well on Monday and I'll have nothing interesting to blog about. :-)
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