Monday, October 27, 2008

Things are looking up from my last entry...

Monarch Butterfly
Originally uploaded by sweetpeameg
Excuse the angry entry below...but it's hard to be told you can't have a family. Seems like that's the right of any woman, whether it's having a kid or adopting a kid. If you want it and you can take care of and raise a child properly, you should be allowed to!

But anyways, I called my mom that night, half-heartedly expecting her to agree with my boss, but it was quite the opposite. She said to do what we feel is right and we'll figure it out. Whether my mom comes and stays with us while they try and sell their house, or my dad comes to help out, we'll figure it out. My mom said she'll be there every minute I need her and not to worry. That she's ready to quit working and be a grandma. We also have Jeff's mom, who's only an hour and a half away, and my adopted mom (our friend and realtor) who has very young grandkids herself and has a baby-proof house. So it's not as bad as we originally had thought and "no time is the right time" whether financially or whatever, but us, like everyone else, will figure it out.

So, we are really excited. I scheduled my doctor's appointment on November 11th for a consolation and for any exams and blood work I need done. We stocked up on the vitamins we'll need. What's funny is that I don't really have to change my diet any (except for wine and I'll have to cut back on sushi) because we already eat really healthy. We already eat whole grains, calcium rich products and veggies, and we're very good about not eating sugar. So at least it won't be a complete lifestyle change for me (being pregnant - I know it'll be a complete lifestyle change once it's born!). We're already putting things in motion to cut down on our spending and put more away. I'm upping my 401k to 3% beginning in January for our long-term savings plan. We already have all of the necessary medical care for pre-natal, delivery, and well-baby visits. Our cars are paid for and our only outstanding debt is our house and Jeff's student loan. We have a great buffer in our income to be able to afford a baby and still be able to put away money every month for emergencies and future travel. And we have great family and friends supporting us. So I feel really great about this, I'm so excited I can hardly stand it and I'm hoping that 2009 will be another amazing year for us.
Oh and the reason for the picture - not only do I like posting pictures with my entries - but I feel like a butterfly is a great symbol for my discussion in this post. :-D

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